Miracles do Happen!
Hello there my friends, As the title states, I never, "I mean NEVER" imagined. that I would actually write an entire book! First of all, my English skills are pretty terrible! I have known this fact for major part of my life but have been willing to let things limp along as they were and continue to be. It has not been a great problem, most of the time. Perhaps, when my husband and I were raising children, our own and numerous others, as foster parents, I am sure it would have been wonderful had I been more skilled in the proper use and punctuation of the English language, but parenting aside, I did not ever plan to write anything longer than a check or an occasional letter (both practices that are now becoming, close to obsolete) so I did not let it worry me. A few years ago, I bought my "first computer" and at that time I decided I would write a "short story." Well- - let me tell you, this "short story" has become...